Orange Peel – Organic


Organic Orange Peel (Citrus aurantium) is used for love and prosperity spells.



Dried Orange Peel is used for love, marriage and attraction spellwork. In Chinese culture, Oranges are also used for prosperity, particularly at Chinese New Year. Orange Peel is an excellent herbal ally for bringing in or keeping committed love.

Suggested magical uses for Organic Orange Peel:

Burn dried Orange Peel along with Benzoin, Copal, Lavender and Lovage on a charcoal for a bringing in a soul mate.

Sprinkle dried Orange Peel around two red beeswax candles dressed in Dixie Love oil to bless a romance with commitment and true love.

Sprinkle dried Orange Peel under your bed or mattress to keep your partner faithful and in love with you.

Carry dried Orange Peel along with Hibiscus, Periwinkle leaf, Violet and Jasmine in a red flannel bag to make mojo for sincere love.

For in-depth information on how to use this and other herbs and roots magically, I recommend Hoodoo Herb and Root Magic and Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs, both of which can be found in our Books section.


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