Passion Candle Spell Booster Pack


The Passion Candle Spell Booster Pack is perfect for adding the element of sensuality, passion, and off-the-charts chemistry to any candle spell kit.


    Do you need to add some sizzle to your favorite love candle spell or bring more passion, sensuality, and excitement to any other kind of spell? This booster pack will do just that!

    Passion is used to bring an extra dose of sexual chemistry to your spell. The Passion Candle Spell Booster Pack has the ingredients to turn up the heat.

    • Add to a romance spell to add an element of excitement
    • Add to a love spell to turn up the passion even more
    • Add to an attraction spell to bring lots of sexual admiration
    • Add to a luck spell to bring lucky sensual encounters
    • Add to an open roads spell to bring more opportunities for sex
    • Add to an abundance spell to have sex more often
    • Or add to any other spell where you would like an element of sensual passion

    The Passion Spell Booster Pack works well with any spell where you want to add a sexual element to a spell. This Spell Booster Pack is designed to help you customize and amplify your spell work. It is recommended that you add this Booster Pack to a Parlour of Wonders Spell Kit that has a figural candle.

    This Spell Booster Pack is designed to help you customize and amplify your spell work. It is recommended that you add this Booster Pack to a Parlour of Wonders Spell Kit that has a figural candle.

    Use this booster pack to enhance or add additional customized elements to a spell. You can choose to add it to a similar spell kit or mix and match with a spell kit for a different intention. For example, you could use this Passion Spell Booster Pack to a Lovers’ Passion spell kit to amplify the sensual energy or with a New Romance or Reconciliation spell kit to bring passion along with the romance.

    Booster Packs are designed to be added to any Spell Kit that we offer at the Parlour of Wonders to turn it into a deluxe spell kit! The Passion Candle Spell Booster Pack comes with:

    • 4 Thick Red Tapers to use as support candles

    • 2 Herb Packets to add to the herbs in your spell kit

    • A Spell Kit sized bottle of Fire of Desire oil

    • A bottle of red real glass glitter

    • A Red Tigers Eye gemstone to amplify the sensual energy

    • A Petition Paper for you to write out your intentions

    • Complete instructions on how to add these elements to your candle spell

    Everything that you need to make your candle spell extra special and extra powerful.


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