Penny – Indian Head Cent


Indian Head Pennies are used in spells for protection, reversal, luck, and to invite the protection of Native Ancestors.

SKU: SQ0725560 Category:


    The U.S. one-cent piece from 1859-1909 depicted the profile of a Native American person with a warbonnet of the American Plains Indian Nation. While this coin was contemporary, root doctors and spiritualists associated this image with the spirit of Black Hawk, even though as the war leader of the Sauk and Fox tribe, Black Hawk never wore this type of headdress.

    Indian Head Cents are used in spells to protect the bearer from prying eyes, unwanted attention, institutional oppression, or interference of any kind. It is particularly good at protecting self and property from the law (the police, INS, ICE, IRS or other governmental agencies). It is also used for prosperity magic and general good luck.

    Suggested magical uses for Indian Head Pennies:

    • Place an Indian Head Penny in a black flannel bag along with Sweetgrass, Tobacco and Sage as a powerful charm bag to protect you from harm.

    • Glue or nail down Indian Head Pennies over the doors and windows of your home to keep a protective eye out for you.

    • Place four Indian Head Cents around a Beeswax Black Hawk candle dressed with Native Spirit oil to honor your Native American or First Nations ancestry. When the candle is finished burning, you can carry the pennies in a flannel bag or bury them at the four corners of your property to protect your home.


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