Zebra Marble Gem Chips


These Zebra Marble Gem Chips are an excellent addition to your next candle spell or mojo bag. Zebra Marble increases focus and helps you discover your inner-most truths and desires.



These Zebra Marble Gem Chips are a wonderful ally for any type of spellwork. Zebra Marble is an excellent manifesting stone, helping you to learn the inner truth of your desires and focus on what is wanted rather than what is not wanted.  It aids you in maintaining greater control over your thoughts and accessing a higher vibration. It assists in finding clarity and focus and holding deeper states of meditation.  It can also enhance dream recall by sleeping with the stone under the pillow.

Gem chips are smaller than full-sized tumbled stones but larger than gem glitter. They are perfect for sprinkling around your candle spells or adding to crystal grids and are just the right size for charm bags or loading your candles.

Ways to Use Your Crystals Magically:

    • Charge your gems by placing them under the light of the full moon overnight.
    • Make a Gem Elixir or Crystal Water by placing your bottle of crystals in a jar in a bowl of water overnight.
    • You may use this water to bless, cleanse or drink and impart the essence of the gemstone to whatever this water touches.
    • Sprinkle them around your candles to add some crystal magic to your candle spells
    • Press them into the soft beeswax of your candle to give your spells some real gemstone glimmer
    • Carve a divot in the base of your candle and place a few of these stones in the hole to load your candle
    • Add a few to a mojo bag to easily bring in some gem power
    • Create a crystal mandala or decorate your altar with these power stones

The .5 ounce bottle is 2″ tall

The 1 ounce bottle is 3″ tall


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